WordPress being an online open source is a good platform for website creation. But in non-geek speak; it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (CMS) in existence today. It gives a wonderful experience for site development to the web developers; but sometimes WordPress might experiences low speed while the loading of web pages. 40 per cent of people abandon a site that takes more than three seconds to load. Thus, a developer must customize the website so that the sites can load easily and retain the customer.
5 easy ways that can speed up your WordPress website
1. Select an effective web host
Choose a web that provides ample space for your website on the server. There are a no. of companies that provide good services for web hosting. The developers can invest for these services to get a better assistance.The website owners who do not use this service do not get adequate benefits thus, they suffer a loss in terms of website audience.
2. Select a solid Theme
Behind every WordPress site, there is a theme or framework and along with that can sometimes come bloat. Every theme is coded differently and because of that there are those that are better than others. The WordPress site has multiple options for framework from which a user can choose. A light framework would speed up the loading process. Thus the investment in framework must be wise as website speed to crucial for reaching to the target audience.
3.The performance of web font
Web font performance, 57% of websites are now using custom fonts, which is an 850% increase since 2011. It is important to serve only the fonts you need, such as WOFF and WOFF2 formats. Services such as Typekit base64 encode all the formats, which can increase download times and slow down your site.
4. Optimization of database on the site
You can use plugins to optimize the database available on the site. To clean up the junk on WordPress website,a developer can use WP-Optimize which is an exceptional platform. Whenever a developer adds a new plugin or feature on the WordPress site, the server gets loaded. The junk gets accumulated thereby making the site even slower. Hence, optimization is a must.
5. Image optimization
Most of the space on the website is consumed by the images. Thus, these images need proper optimization before they are uploaded. Depending on the image, reductions up to 70% are possible. You can install the plugin and auto-image your images when uploading them to WordPress.Several Plugins are available for image optimization such as WP Smush. Once the plugin is installed, an ample amount of space is generated.
Digital Mojo is one of the leading Digital marketing companies that is well known for its website development and graphic designing services. The experienced developers at Digital Mojo understand the requirements of the clients and design the website as per the latest trend. Thus, increase your brand presence with Digital Mojo.