Email marketing campaign
An email campaign can be as powerful as any other campaign such as social media campaign. But an email must have a content variety to keep the audience interested and engaged. There are several types of email marketing campaign that marketer run to reach their subscribers. The campaign must have a goal.
“Email has an ability many channels don’t; creating value, personal touches- at scale.”- David Newman
Here are 4 types of campaign that can yield great results:
1. Newsletter:
Newsletters is a very effective tool used by marketers to keep in touch with existing customers. These customers are interested ones who trusted the brand enough to provide their personal ID. Thus, a marketer must understand that the content should be unique every time and email frequency should be backed by the data of unsubscribers. It will increase the traffic on your website and social media.
2. Marketing Offer:
If you wish to showcase your collection and get a direct response then a marketing offer is the most apt campaign. In these campaigns, you can talk about the promotional discounts and value deals your brand is offering. Include a call-to-action, to drive your target customers to the website and encourage them to purchase your brand.
3. Announcement:
In case you have launched a new service or a product or a new feature then make sure your audience gets to know. An announcement campaign would best suit in this situation. Your customers shall always stay up to date and regular customers usually expect to receive some notification from their favorite brands.
4. Event Invitation:
In case you are launching an event, make sure your customers are the first ones to know. You can include the purpose of the event and details so that your customers can attend it personally. You will not only make your audience aware but also get a chance to communicate.
-Anushree Srivastava