This is the era of video marketing and they have taken over every channel that you could possibly be working on. Online videos boost your web presence and ultimately your revenue and that is why they are a must to include. But there are also a few key points and codes of conduct that you must remember and follow if you are using videos on your website.
The simplest ways that most people follow is sticking them on YouTube and then embed the videos on their websites. But few would know that this is not the most profitable practice when it comes to your business.
But before we get into the details, let’s check out a few stats illustrating how videos are done right can work wonders for your website.
1. Display video thumbnails in Google’s search results
When Google displays videos in search results, you might have observed that they appear in the form of thumbnails. If you also want your webpage to feature it, you must use a third-party video hosting service for your website as YouTube doesn’t add thumbnails for you. These are called rich snippets that allow search engines to better understand the info contained on each web page. Search engines use structured markup and rich snippets, which have a higher click-through rate, are absolutely adored by Google!
2. SEO Boost up
It is easy to figure out that there is some connection between video thumbnails that appear in the search results and your search engine optimization since they boost your SEO to a great extent. According to a recent study, getting higher ranking on Google search results increases about fifty-three times with videos and such search results with video thumbnails have 41 percent higher click-through rates than the results with plain texts.
3. The customization options
The best part about using a third-party video hosting service is that they allow you to add personalized video thumbnails. As manifestations and icons always matter, a more attractive thumbnail on your website video can improve its impact. Using a better thumbnail will simply invite more people to view your video and thus improve website conversions.
4. Energizes the Search engine rankings
The likes, shares, and +1s on social media or embedding of your video done using YouTube do not contribute anything to boost your website’s SEO. Instead, they direct the SEO benefits towards YouTube. However, the likes, shares, +1s, and embedding of your video are done via a third-party hosting service, your website or domain gets the direct SEO benefit instead of the third-party video hosting service website. And in this way, they help your website achieve higher ranks in search results.
5. Call to action
Typically every video hosting service enables you to place a clickable text at the end of your video that would act as an amazing call to action tool. So you can navigate or guide the viewers directly to the web pages you want them to visit after viewing your video via a compelling call-to-action. At the end of the day, it is the conversion rate that matters the most and the call to action helps increase your conversion rate considerably.
To increase the performance of your website, contact Digital Mojo. It is one of the top-notch digital marketing companies in Hyderabad that has expertise in various online marketing services such as PPC, SEO, display advertising, email marketing, PR, content marketing, etc. Thus ensure a better response rate on your site with Digital Mojo.
-Anushree Srivastava