Adding visual effects in your content goes a long way in creating a website that is attractive and holds the attention of the customers. Contents that are visually appealing help marketers in getting high engagement rates on various social media platforms. It plays an important role in converting your potential customers into loyal customers. So, if you want to improve your content and give it a visual boost, then incorporate the following tricks to get high social media engagement.
1. Try to build an emotional relationship –
Marketers should always try to connect emotionally with their customers. They should create an aura where customers feel attached to the brand. In order to boost traffic, marketers can use visual elements like bold letters, colors, themes, images, etc in their content. For example, colors like red and yellow indicate positive feelings such as happiness and optimism. Thus, using visual effects in your content scales up the social engagement of your website.
2. Get innovative with a visual guide –
Marketers can get innovative and creative when it comes to branding a particular product or service. They can do so by making visual guide attractive at every stage of branding. For example, if you want to teach your customers how to use a particular product, then you can do so with help of screenshots. A brand can also create a visual guide to increase their social media engagement rates.
3. Share photos in motion –
A great way to increase your social media presence is to share pictures in motion in your posts. They create a dramatic effect in minds of customers who ultimately increase your engagement rate.
4. Create and share unique graphics –
If you want your customers to connect with your social media posts, then you must be unique and create graphics that stand out and grabs the eye of your visitor. Customers feel more satisfied when you create visuals related to your written content. There are various tools available in the market that helps you create interesting visuals such as Canva and Piktichart.
5. Consider network preferences –
Different social media platforms have different posting requirements. As such, marketers should keep a check on network preferences when they post on different social channels. To aid you in this process, below are size guidelines for various social media platforms –
- Facebook 1200 x 630 pixels
- Instagram 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Twitter 440 x 220 pixels
6. Customize your visual content as per the audience –
Marketers should have a precise knowledge that which type of visual content attracts more customers as a different audience respond to different visual effects. You should create different visuals and then publish it to know which content worked well on which platform.
-Anushree Srivastava